Essential Resources for Newcomers in Edmonton

Moving to a new country can be overwhelming, but Edmonton has a range of resources to support newcomers in their journey. From employment services to community centers, these resources can help you settle in and build a successful life in your new home.

ERIEC offers a variety of services tailored to the needs of newcomers. Our employment services include job search assistance, resume and interview workshops, and career counseling. We also provide mentorship programs that connect newcomers with experienced professionals in their field, offering guidance and support for career development.

Community centers in Edmonton play a vital role in helping newcomers integrate into the community. The Edmonton Immigrant Services Association (EISA) provides settlement services, language classes, and community programs that help newcomers build connections and access essential resources. The Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative offers support in navigating the healthcare system and provides culturally sensitive services to immigrant families.

Language proficiency is crucial for success in the Canadian job market. Organizations such as NorQuest College and MacEwan University offer English language programs that help newcomers improve their language skills and gain confidence in their communication abilities. ERIEC also partners with local institutions to provide language workshops and conversation groups.

Accessing these resources can significantly ease the transition process and help newcomers build a strong foundation in Edmonton. By leveraging the services offered by ERIEC and other local organizations, you can find the support you need to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Check our website, we also provide a wealth of resources!